Thursday, May 2, 2013

flying solo

Do you have stints when your partner is away and you are the sole parent? Are you one of those incredible people who is a single parent all the time?

J is due home in 2 days so I've just managed two weeks flying solo. It's not like the three months at the end of 2010 with a two year old and being heavily pregnant. It's not like the six months in early 2011 with a toddler and an eight-week old (waking through the night) but the same rules apply.

I always try to keep a balance between keeping busy and having quiet days at home. Busy means arranging (usually) free activities and play dates and quiet days at home are usually spent trying to get on top of the chores with a conscious effort to have activities for the kids rather than hours upon hours of TV. Mind you - an hour or so of ABC4Kids is sometimes all we need!

This fortnight I had so many things planned but we were plagued by illness. Luckily we were able to fit in a few great things - a trip to The Rocks in Sydney where we visited the Windmill and The Rocks Museum.

We visited the new and incredible rocket playground on Callistemon Way at Warriewood. This playground is perfect for children of all ages. We spent a good two hours here and the kids did not want to leave. Mum and B did manage to return to Te Rocks Windmill for Diego's "Wild Crafting for Stories: How weeds tell the tale of humans" which was interesting. 

We had friends drop in and visited others. We had my grandmother, my mum and close friends come to stay. It worked so well as we could tag-team with our kids and getting things done on our own. I just don't know how single parents do it of they don't have a strong support network.

When illness came our way I had to call in favours. I hate doing this but sometimes it is best to ask for help. I can justify it by thinking I'd help out a friend if they needed it and I've found friends are usually more than happy to help where they can. In 2010/11 when J was away it took me about 6 months before I admitted to myself that I just couldn't do it (the parenting) alone so we bit-the-bullet and had a babysitter come and help a day or two a week. It was expensive but the toll it was taking on my health was greater than the burden of the expense.

I was able to get out three nights while J was away too! I wouldn't usually be out this frequently while he's home! Thanks to Mum, my grandmother and a paid babysitter I went out to a Youth Food Movement dinner at The Rocks Windmill  (Check it out. There are still some great things on until 12 May). My friend and I were also in the studio audience for a new SBS comedy show and I went to a local demo (& many course dinner) for Thermomix ran by a friend of mine.

I also made sure I made it to a gym session which was satisfying.

What supports do you put in place to help with the juggling of children, chores, work, time for you, illness?

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