Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas Craft



This is the beginning of my Christmasy projects. This weekend I got all inspired to sew again and it was partly to do with a few things:

@ A comment my husband had made "You love sewing. You are so happy when you sew!"

@ frankie. I even indulged yesterday evening by telling my husband "I'm just going to run a bath for myself." It was the kids' dinner time and he knew that was code for "Can you please make dinner for the kids while I have some 'me' time?" I lay there, submerged, reading frankie.

@ Xmas. I do love an excuse to make and buy some interesting things but I do hate the commercialism. Mum gave me a bag of Christmas fabric scraps not long ago. I remembered that I have a Xmas tree decoration that my mum made when I was a baby. She traced my hand, dyed some fabric (using onion skin dye) then cut two templates of my hand. She then sewed them together, stuffed them and added a little ribbon to hang on the tree. 

@ That there, Xmas, is no better an excuse than to MAKE & SEW. 

I had some painted hand prints and footprints from my children from a few months ago so I used these to make my templates. 

* Trace the hand prints and footprints onto calico, cut those out then trace around those on Christmasy style fabric (keeping to the original print as much as possible.) 
* Cut out two identical sized pieces of fabric and sew the footprint and hand print to them. 
* Sew them together inside out leaving a small gap to squeeze stuffing in and to attach the ribbon.
* Turned them in the right way and filled them with hobby fill stuffing. 
* Carefully place the two ends of a short piece of ribbon (20cm) inside the gap and machine sew the gap closed (remembering to sew those raw edges inside.)

These may seem like a dud pressie for a child but give a few years I think they'll enjoy getting them out each year and comparing them to how big their hands and feet are. 

** The second decoration I made is much neater because I sewed the hand print and footprint on using the machine BEFORE I sewed the two pieces stuffed it. (I hand-sewed my daughter's so it's not nearly as neat.)


  1. Love it. Just organised a Christmas craft day with Jane and the kiddies on Friday with this top of the list. Thanks xx

  2. Fantastic! I'd love to see what you creative people do!! We made ours 2 years ago now and I was reminded because we put them on our tree yesterday. My mum still has my 'stuffed' Christmas decoration hand from when I was a baby!
