Monday, August 15, 2011

Gifts from the Garden

We've been really proud of our garden this past year. We've harvested plenty of herbs and vegies. Our latest crop (but which we've taken out now) mostly self-seeded. After summer (during which we didn't buy one tomato- tens of seedling came up from our worm castings which my husband had dug back into the garden) we planted a small number of autumnal plants including about 3 pumpkin plants, some cucumbers, some corn, basil, mint and garlic chives (which the chooks enjoy more than we do).

It was a bit of an experiment but we harvested 3 pumpkins and lots of herbs. The cucumbers didn't really eventuate. It wasn't long before a creeper seemed to take over the garden and then begin growing up along the path and right across the lawn. It produced small, squash-like fruit that shrivelled once ripe enough to eat. I put one in a cauliflower bake one night but it wasn't convincing enough to keep the vine!

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