Wednesday, December 7, 2011

chook looks

Aren't our Rhode Island Red chookies looking healthy? The girls are awake at the crack of dawn (as you'd expect) and by about 7am they are going berserk. I usually have some food scraps from the night before which I feed the girls. It seems to calm them down.

They went broody a few weeks back and my husband mentioned that when chooks went broody at his place when he was young they'd string them up in a hessian sack until they started laying again. Apparently chooks can go broody for months. While we aren't running an egg factory here it would be a shame to have to buy eggs again!

These girls don't have a rooster (they are prohibited in NSW suburban backyards) so there is no point them nesting.

We tried for a different method (I was dubious about my husband's suggestion). We took the straw out of the laying box and after a couple of weeks of avoiding the box (because it was so uncomfortable) they started to lay again.

I love having the eggs again. Ill have to find the link to the pellet dispenser my husband bought. It's a New Zealand designed and made contraption so they have pellets all day long and pests can't get to the pellets.

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