Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bargain City!

Only about a week ago I thought to myself "it's been a while since since I got myself a bargain." My father-in-law used to have a theory that if you ask the universe for something - put it 'out there' then the universe will deliver.

So there my luck began...

1. A garage sale on the weekend. This is just a smidgen of what I brought home. I am a sucker for educational resources!

2. Spot the extra cookbook. I have dreamed about owning Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Companion.... my local newsagent had it from $129 down to $49. I could not resist!

3. Thank you council clean-up! I stopped by the side of the road to grab a plastic trike for our youngest and a big 'mega block' truck for our eldest. I was about to pull away from the kerb when our hawke-eyed 3 year old spotted this cubby. "Mum. Don't for get that one!" How could I?

4. $2 each for these books. 3 of the best baby books I have ever read.

5. As much as I am a sucker for 'useful things' I am also a sucker for storage devices (thankfully). This colourful number caught my eye at a Vinnies last week. $20 later and it was all mine!

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