Friday, August 3, 2012

a soul sister & a tutu

There are some people in life that you meet that you just 'get.' Almost seven years ago I was introduced to the wife of a Canadian guy J was studying with. Almost instantly we connected. A few weeks afterwards when J was away overseas I invited Nancy and her husband over for dinner. She always remarked that this was amazing considering we barely knew each other. On the other hand it seemed so right. During dinner Nancy was yawning her head off (apologetically) and it wasn't long after that dinner that Nancy discovered she was pregnant. (It wasn't the company).

Nancy and I grew closer. The school where I was teaching wasn't far from where she lived so we caught up regularly. Nancy's parents were out from Canada when Sarah was born. Aside from her grandparents we were the first of her visitors. At a couple of hours old we were so privileged to meet this little soul. During the first months of her life I'd meet with Nancy and Sarah after school. We'd drink chai or I'd call by their house. Nancy recalls that one day I turned up at just the right time. It had been a long night for them both and she was exhausted. I held and entertained Sarah and whilst I didn't appreciate it at the time I now know how helpful that must have been.

Nancy and I had (and still do have) the habit of jumping straight into deep and meaningful conversations. In my life I don't think I've met another person I could speak so frankly with. We also know how to laugh. A lot.

One Saturday morning in 2006 J's alarm went off at about 5am. I was due to babysit Sarah while her parents moved house. I grumbled "I thought we were having a sleep-in today." J's reply was "You'd better pack your bags. We're going on a plane!" I knew at once that he would propose that day (more on that another time! I'll keep you in suspense). My response was "What about Sarah?!"J had it all sorted. I also knew that if anyone were to be bridesmaid one of them would be Nancy (the other my Darling friend that I've had since playgroup - 4 years old.)

At our wedding in December 2007 Nancy was one of my two bridesmaids and as they stood beside me I couldn't have thought of two more appropriate women to have there with me. Nancy is beautiful, intelligent, strong, observant and perceptive.

Two years ago Nancy and Paul returned to Canada with their two daughters. We met up with them the night before they left and ate take away pizza. I was devastated. I still miss them dearly. That night Nancy told us that she was 5 weeks pregnant with her third daughter.

We Skype but it's not easy fitting it around time zones and our busy lives.

I know we'll have more time together in the future. I know that when I see Nancy nothing much will have changed. We'll probably jump straight into conversation.

At the end of the year Nancy is expecting her fourth child! Her three other daughters are likely to have set the precedent of gender. While I'll miss out on this newborn I will remember those moments holding Sarah for the first time very fondly indeed.

This August is Sarah's 6th birthday so I made her a tutu and appliqued a t-shirt. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

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